Wednesday, April 28, 2010

W!ld Rice - Animal Farm

My photoshop is rebelling from all the abuse that I have inflicted upon it so for pictures and also another review, you can visit Or you could stay here and hear me rave.

The actors were fantastic! They were the cast with the most synergy that I've ever come across. It's already a daunting task to be brilliant, but to build upon that and support each other, feed off each others' energy, complement each other so seamlessly and magically, just made the play incredible to watch. The animal cries, one after another, together, in different pitches, different tones, varied volume, made me feel as though I was in an actual farm. Every single one of them gave impressive performances it would be unfair to pick a favourite. Their presence on stage was really powerful and that's coming from the person sitting at the very last row and high up on the mezzanine.

Okay fine I particularly liked Lim Yu-Beng and Pam Oei.

I prefer "real life" stuff. I'm not one for fairy tales and I keep a distance from sci-fi and fantasy when it comes to TV. In fact I was a little uncomfortable at the beginning. But when the entire thing ended, I saw the beauty in using the animal world to parallel humanity. I understood George Orwell's brilliance, that he had created a story that transcended time and culture.

I have been reading too much news for my own good in recent times because of the nature of my job and some parts of the play hit too close to home. The truth was so glaring that it made me feel kinda weirded out at times.

Yes, it's about the relationship between the ruler and ruled. It's such a powerful theme, one that Animal Farm has come close to being unrivaled in its exploration.

I need to read the book.

I enjoyed the discussion that followed after. I think everyone went off the deep end, especially the kiddies with their, "what does this mean?!" Ivan Heng impressed with his eloquence and worldliness. The way he carried himself... he was such an inspiration. Thoughtful, nurturing, confident. He used theatre to share how he saw the world and in the process, opened our eyes. For that I am thankful.

Looking forward to catching Boeing Boeing if I manage to get tickets! Why must plays be so expensive!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Marchin' On

This blog is turning into a funny thing lately. Not very personal. A bit trashy. Shorter entries. Less pictures, more movie-reviews. I do not know what is going on. But surely after this internship I foresee everything going back to a bit more normal. More me in "Pop is Dead?" and "This Disco Sucks" T-shirts instead of office wear 5 days a week. More sunshine and outdoors, less predictability.

Not that there hasn't been drama in my life. There's been plenty but it's hard to share. I used to be so much more comfortable ranting but even then I was aware of consequences. Now I'm more than aware, I'm cautious. There's plenty of drama, yes, but not everything has to be aired in public.

The ability to cross that line and make yourself an online celebrity... nah, think I don't have what it takes. Haha!

I think it's less stormy and I'm comfortable (but not conceited) with where I am right now. Tonnes of tuition means sufficient money and not having to worry too much about where my next meal is coming from while being able to afford overseas trips, concerts, plays and clothes. Granted I should probably save more money. Realistically I won't be getting a high paying job upon graduation so it'll come in useful.

But yeah, I'm happy being busy with internship and 7 kids, hanging out with friends, watching movies, TV series on my laptop, whiling my time away.

Looking back, I've made some rather good decisions regarding how I wanted to live my uni life. No reason to start doubting myself now.


Saturday, April 24, 2010



It really spoke to me, of misspent youth, of brotherhood, of relationships, of life and death and of circumstance. It was tightly woven together, well-shot but at times fell short in terms of pacing. It was great fun to watch but I did wonder when it would end.

I liked the spirit of the film and how it was peppered with juvenile, devil-may-care attitude coupled with youthful energy and enthusiasm for life. That was what drove the movie when in reality, nothing much was happening in the first-half of the film.

And the ending - beautiful and poetic. I liked how everything was rounded up with all the characters going about their lives in the montage like nothing changed, when everything did.


Confessions of a Rudebox Soldier


The era of the Compact Disc is slowly dying. As much as I would like it to stay, digital has taken the world by storm. The physical copy, the thrill of going into a shop and getting one, smelling the new plastic case and eventually popping the disc into the player before it provides an hour of aural stimulation... I'm holding on to a tradition that's gradually disappearing and relishing every moment.

Gramaphone was having a sale. I think it is on permanent sale mode. I went in today with Qiqi and Nessie, two people who probably have the least control when it comes to shopping. I searched and these three were going for a dollar each and they were too good to pass up.

One was of a trio who conquered the world but is now remembered for producing the world's most formidable female artistes. One was a teen superstar and now a party-wreck. Lastly, the singer who was the most famous male singer from the UK but has now seems to have lost his footing.

Destiny Fulfilled (2004), A Little More Personal (2005), Rudebox (2006).

I love the music from those years. Listening to them makes it feel like I've gone back in time, a time where life wasn't so complicated and possibly, a little more relaxed.


Sunday, April 18, 2010


I don't wanna talk now
I don't wanna hear you scream no more
Want somebody to save me
Everything I do feels like its wrong
All we do is fall down
Even though we try to stay afloat
I swear its gonna kill me
Even though you think it won't

Why am I confused if you love me
Thought this would be smooth sailing

And I don't wanna let you go
But we're caught in the undertow


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shutter Island


It is most possibly the freakiest thriller of all time. After watching this, I vow that my next 10 movies are to be chick-flicks, rom-coms, animated films and action movies. I need more brainlessness.

Shutter Island was terribly engaging and got me guessing throughout the movie. The actors were brilliant and I was hooked on to every line they said for clues as to what would happen in the end. It was super mind-fucked and I must say... I didn't see it coming. The beauty in it though, was not in the twist. It was in the exploration of human condition, of violence, of love, of rules.

Yes, especially of rules. And the insane has no rules. It was crazy. I totally freaked out. The music was creepy, the lighting was intimidating, the shots were... paced in such a way that I had difficulty breathing.

After Blood Diamond, my impression of Leonardo Dicaprio changed dramatically. Also the insanely good Revolutionary Road. His acting with this one topped all that. I was so drawn into this flawed hero. I felt like I was being strangled every time he was thrown into the deep end.

And also, the question posed: to die a good man, or live a monster. I would be too cowardly to die. I'd live a monster.

I'm not being coherent. If you're looking to spend your money on a movie that you'll remember for a very long time, watch this.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why I Like Tuition

1. Most of my job involves just talking and talking.

2. They are in awe of me and I inspire them (yes, they give me "the look").

3. They make me feel young again.

4. The pay is good.

5. Shouting at kids is fun.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Morning

Sometimes, rarely, you wake up, and you know... it's a good morning.






Sunday, April 11, 2010

Top 10 Harry Potter Pick Up Lines


1. If you were a quaffle and I was a chaser during a Quidditch match, I'd score with you.

2. I'm not an Animagus but sometimes I can be real animal.

3. I can be your house elf. I'll do whatever you want and I don't need any clothes.

4. I'd like to get my Basilisk into your Chamber of Secrets.

5. Save a broomstick ride a seeker!

6. One night with me and they'll be calling you MOANING Myrtle.

7. Do you speak Parseltongue? Cause I´ve got a snake you can practice on!

8. My name may not be Luna, but I sure know how to Lovegood!

9. I'm just like Oliver Wood, baby... I'm a KEEPER.

10. I know a hairy giant... And I'm not talking about Hagrid.

And because 10 isn't enough, here's 5 more!

11. I don't have an invisibility cloak but do you think tonight I can visit
your restricted section?

12. Are you a Horcrux? Cuz you've got a piece of my soul.

13. The Sorting Hat placed me inside Gryffindor but I'd rather be placed inside you.

14. Ride me like I'm Nimbus 2000.

15. You know, the Sorting Hat placed me in Gryffindor. I think it's because like Godric Gryffindor himself, I too have an impressive sword.

More at the best Facebook page ever: Harry Potter pick up lines

Thanks for watching.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

How To Train A Dragon


This is Pokemon. And it fits the "hero" mould of stories to a T. Hero is an outcast, hero discovers his "powers", hero is in denial, hero faces pressure to convince others of his power, hero has a "lover", hero saves the day.

I used to be able at doing this when I was still taking Genre and Narratives but you get the idea.

The voice talents were particularly entertaining. Helmed by "people with the most entertaining voices" Gerard Butler of 300, America Ferrera of Ugly Betty and talk-crap host Craig Ferguson and relative-Canadian-unknown Jay Baruchel, the characters were funny, fast-talking, witty and above all, very human. I liked that about the film.

Other than that cos it was quite formulaic, it was only fun while it lasted.


Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Single Man


A friend blogged about it, saying, "But I would rather just ask each and every one who stumbles upon this, strangers and friends, to go watch A Single Man. For it is a single most moving movie in a long long time."

Another friend said that Tom Ford was the director and that she was really excited to watch it.

I didn't know much about Tom Ford either.

So I took a chance. I entered the cinema without knowing anything about the film except for the two things I heard above. And it was incredibly good. I read somewhere that it could've pushed a bit more for full marks at the emotional level and I somewhat agree. However, it delivered. Beautiful cinematography, awesome acting... it represents the type of film that I've come to love.

Most importantly, I saw the world through someone else's eyes. My horizons were broadened. I loved how the movie exposed the character's inner voice. I loved the way they dealt with my greatest fear, death. And also of broken hopes and unfulfilled dreams.

It was powerful and moving. I would watch it again.

It's no mean feat for the first-time director. But from interviews that he has done, his heart's in the right place. He made it for the right reasons - he had something to say.

I'm already looking forward to what Tom Ford will come up with next.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

An Asparagus Bikini

Jamie Oliver:
recipe of day stir fried duck, sugar snaps and asparagus and lamb marinade video jxx

@jamie_oliver i love asparagus! but i cant cook!

@qiqiisbored you should've said. I love ass-paragus. Especially yours. Let me start your stove of love burning with the fires of our desire.

@SakuMaikokku you pls tweet this. hahaha.

@qiqiisbored i am not craving for Jamie Oliver's freshly baked buns like you. I would tweet this at Megan Fox, but the food puns fail then.

@jamie_oliver Jamie, my friend @qiqiisbored asks if asparagus can be steamed slowly with desire, or should it be baked with lust?

@qiqiisbored i helped you ask

@SakuMaikokku HAHAHAHAHAHAH I SAW. I AM ANXIOUSLY WAITING FOR HIS REPLY. even though he must now think i am a slut. hahahaha but NVM HAHAHA

@nessizle @qiqiisbored is liking waiting anxiously for jamie oliver's attn. cant decide if she's fangirling or slutty.

@whitehot_surfer i can never think of @qiqiisbored as a slut, so i guess it is fangirling.

@nessizle @stooffi @whitehot_surfer i actually don't think he will reply to me. ahahahaha. @qiqiisbored should still use my original tweet.

@jamie_oliver cos my friend @qiqiisbored is a huge fan of urs that she stays up to watch u cook everyday cld u possibly do a shoutout to her

@SakuMaikokku why are we taking part in this really!

@SakuMaikokku actually now i think he is not amused and he wont reply to any of us or anything like that... really.

@whitehot_surfer you didn't tell @jamie_oliver of @qiqiisbored's raging lust for his ass-paragus.

@whitehot_surfer i think maybe, i should apologise to @qiqiisbored. I am sorry. i have destroyed your dreams of tweetversing with jamie.

@SakuMaikokku i am too amused to be sad abt this dream being destroyed. hahahaaha. perhaps if we attach a funny asaparagus pic this'll work

@qiqiisbored i think you need to take a picture of yourself wearing an asparagus bikini. sure work one.


@SakuMaikokku yeah actually right i was thinking along those lines... just possibly not asparagus...

@nessizle and who will be the photographer? will @cranberrymelvin allow this? does @jamie_oliver wanna see an asparagus bikini?

friends i hope u know how asparagus looks like. they are slender long and not bendable so i dunno how yall want to make this bikini.

@qiqiisbored lol do u not know they can be weaved into a bikini! @nessizle shall demonstrate like a cooking show HOW TO.

@whitehot_surfer this is v bad and nonsensical

@whitehot_surfer @nessizle since u know, tmr lunch we weave ok. hahaha. rmb to buy fresh asparagus in the morning. they're in season.

@qiqiisbored @nessizle weaves @cranberrymelvin videos and it will just explode over the interwebs.

@whitehot_surfer it will explode even bigger if you wear it. or if @SakuMaikokku did, it might even be bigger. boomz.

@whitehot_surfer @nessizle @qiqiisbored's bikini will have many many holes. totally not safe for work. but safe for consumption.

@whitehot_surfer @qiqiisbored @cranberrymelvin @SakuMaikokku



Old Pals at Xin Wang

I would like to show the world that I am serious about my blog once more and therefore I shall now attempt to update it daily. It is very challenging and I should be sleeping more as can be seen by my horrible eye bags. Not only do I look much older due to internship I have let down the one fan who reads this blog - you. Yes possibly in the entire universe, you are the only one reading. These nonsense photos (I need to gain some weight really) are for you:







The three of us sat at Xin Wang till about 1AM or so, talking and talking and talking and we have finally decided, after knowing each other for almost a decade, to go on our first trip together. I am looking forward to all this travelling.

Phuket in July!


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Cannot Resist Topman


This was the shirt I got with Sidney. It was going for $69 and I got it for $55. I promise that... well... someone needs to impose a shopping ban on me.


Saturday, April 03, 2010

That Blue Tee

Ate at Sidney's dad's restaurant at Lucky Plaza. Lots of shopping at Kinokuniya. Bought stuff at a ridiculous sale, 2nd piece for 40%. Topman is evil. Satisfied and walked around some more. Wasn't tempted to spend at all. But became a little hungry. Had Yami Yogurt. Sat down, watched many cars go by. Cam-whored a bit.

All in a day's work for me and my best bro from BMT.









It was a painful film to watch and I wanted so badly to leave halfway. The film's message was positive, the acting wasn't half bad and the Singapore scenery was a welcomed change from all things Hollywood. Even the cinematography and lighting at most parts were poignant. However it was more of a vehicle to showcase cruelty to children. I am sure there are better ways to evoke the necessary emotions. I just felt disturbed and uneasy for most part of the film and that got me pissed. I wanted so badly to like it and show my support for a made-in-Singapore movie.

If Christopher Lee acted in another film I'll surely watch it, but if Kelvin Tong is directing - never again.


Thursday, April 01, 2010

Travelling the World

My cousin is getting married in June and I'm the groomsman! Which is kinda like the sidekick of the best man. He got me a suit from G2000 and I am proud of how I look in it. The theme is lavender. It's a colour that I don't usually don but I can see myself in it more often. The most exciting part is that there're two weddings - one in Singapore and one in Indonesia! It'll be my first time to Jakarta and I'm thinking of an extended stay there just so I can explore the city. I'm really looking forward to this welcomed break - yes, I think I will not be getting a part-time job to replace internship. I've enough tuition to keep me busy for the rest of the year although I don't mind taking on one or two more, just for the hell of it.

On a completely unrelated note, congratulations to Cameron who won a pair of Reebok shoes. Also, this is a call for everyone who reads this blog to visit Make.Believe. (I cannot believe that I am promoting for a friend and for my former employer.) Vote for Amos and help him fulfill his dream of travelling the world and for Pamy to take her pre-honeymoon honeymoon! If that is not appealing enough to you, I will... think of something extreme to do if Amos wins this shit. Suggestions are welcomed.


Because YOU helped to get him there and it's a big deal I am willing to do this shit. So get your ass in there, do him a favour, do me a favour and VOTE FOR AMOS.

It will take you a minute at most and you stand a chance to Go to 2010 World Cup FIFA Final, be the Flag Bearer Honour or if you're not that huge a soccer fan like me, get a chance to win a Sony Dream Set! And I say this not because I am whoring Sony, but Sony's product design is the best.

Aiyah just go in and vote lah.