"Come on, be a good boy. Sit down. Sit," I said, trying my hardest to be patient with the stupid animal. Frustrated, I barked the command at the white and fat dog, but it continued walking around in circles. What was the stupid dog thinking?
The owners had complained that their dog excreted around their bungalow, causing nuisance, barking at night and amongst other things, stealing their dinner. The owners had decided to give the dog another change and sent it to me. I disciplined dogs.
Never had I, throughout my entire career which has spanned over the last ten years, met another dog which was as ill-disciplined or as stupid as this one. Extremely stubborn, dumber than average and uglier than most, this dog was hopeless.
In spite of the hopelessness of the situation, I tried again.
"Okay, boy. Here's a biscuit. If you could just sit down once. Once," I said, emphasizing on the last word. The snow-coloured dog stared at the tan biscuit; its longing for the biscuit obvious.
The dog turned away from me, with its nose up in the air, its butt towards me. It trotted to a shady corner under a tree, and settled itself on the ground. Staring lazily at me for a second, it yawned and put its head on its paws.
Despite the lushness of the garden and the calming atmposphere, nothing stopped me from venting the bottled anger that had built up in me since this morning. I cursed and swore.
Every exposed part of my skin was covered in sweat. I could have given almost anything to be relaxing on the beach on this sunny day, drinking a glass of cold ice lemon tea...
Walking towards a nearby vending machine, I punched the buttons, inserted coins and received a bottle of mineral water. I walked to the tree where the dog was napping and sat down beside it. I took a deep breath, trying to cool myself down on this very hot day. I opened the cap of the mineral water bottle and dumped the contents over the unsuspecting dog's head.
Leaping up into the air, startled, spluttering, the dog gave a yelp of distress. It shook its head wildly, trying to get of all the water which was on its head. It looked at me pitifully and whined.
I looked at the dog, and laughed.
This dog needed some discipline.

serious!!?? you are a dog trainer ah? so interesting!
haha... No lah! It was just an essay! I scared dogs one lei!
Oh. haha
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