Anyway I met Zhenhui and Shuming yesterday and on the way to our destination, we were met with the magnificent sight of (one of) the most efficient ports in the world.

This led to a story about how a major company shifted its operations to Malaysia, but returned after three months at a cost of about 3 million. I must say we have something to be proud of. No wonder there was a TV drama based on it on Channel 8 recently!
It was the first time that the three of us went to Sentosa together. I should really consider getting that Islander card. We wanted to have a picnic, and there was no better place than the seats at the Musical Fountain. Thus we got down at the stop just before the beach and walked there.

We started snapping away furiously. This merlion is certainly the most iconic one that we have, compared to the little one that stands near the Esplanade. Shuming also took a photo at the sundial. It was at about 6PM that we got to settle down and have our dinner.

Good view.

Initially we had wanted to eat KFC, but for some warped reason, the Harbourfront Centre and Vivocity just didn't have it. I don't know if any of the all-powerful people of the above-mentioned fastfood chain are reading this, but it's rather embarrassing for KFC to not have any restaurants in that area! We each ate something different. I had Subway, Shuming had Yoshinoya and Zhenhui had Pastamania. It's the first time that I knew that Pastamania did take outs!
We had a rather long wait as the first show started only at 1945. Time passed quickly as we talked about girlfriend/boyfriend issues, which seems to be the most talked about topic whenever there's a good get-together. Now I know why there's such a hoo-ha over which celebrity celebrities are dating.

It became dark and just before the show started the spotlights were turned off. We were pretty much blanketed by the darkness, the only bright spots being the Merlion's eyes. And that Sentosa logo.

It wasn't as interesting as the previous time I saw it. Surprisingly enough, I think it was a little different. The problem with growing up is that you lose your innocence and mere water, light and fire tricks weren't exactly that amusing any more. What would've made me happy would be a little variation of what we have - put a stage in front of all the wizardry (and multiply the set up of the fountain by about a hundredfold) and get a slave to do her thing.
Now that would be a spectacle.
The kids did a good job of gasping and cheering at all the right moments. Well, it's nice to know that at least they were really into the whole thing. So that was cool.

We made our way to the Beach Station to have Coffee Bean. It seems that a cup of Iced Mocha doesn't seem that satisfying as it did all those years ago. It's funny that when I finally have the money to enjoy it, the novelty wore off. Shuming was busy listening to her Ipod and singing songs like Tian Tian Ye Ye and What Goes Around (Comes Around). We were in such a singing mood that we've decided the next time we'll be going out to sing KTV. I can't wait.
Anyway, I spotted flames and pyrotechnics from where I was sitting, which was kind of strange because I was facing the sea. It can't possibly be that the Musical Fountain shifted there because it was behind us (even though Shuming and Zhenhui thought otherwise!). Being as crazy as I was, I went to investigate and it seems that there's going to be a second Musical Fountain. I had to climb the gates to get in (only because I saw other people do it), and the setting was really magical. The seats were facing the sea, which was partially cordoned off by the Kelong to project all the 3D images! I don't know if you can imagine that, but I left my camera back at the Coffee Bean with the guys and so I couldn't take a photo of it.
By the time I managed to drag the two of them there to see the magical view, there was security getting everyone out of there.

Next time when she has a house, Shuming wants these in her room. The pictures would have came out better without flash, but that requires very steady hands. Maybe I should get a freaking tripod, but then it'd defeat the purpose of having such a small camera.
We walked towards the other end of Siloso beach and Cafe del Mar was having a private party titled Arabian Nights. After that we managed to grab a minibus ride back to the station. We made our way up this castle thing (which kept changing colours), and was greeted by this huge, winding... I'm at a lost of words as to how to describe it. Crazily enough we went in, waded in the water, crawled through the "tunnels" and risked getting sprayed by random jets of water.

Basically we were behaving like monkeys.

Ahh, yeah, it was something like that! Zhenhui didn't want to get wet so he took ridiculous videos of us going through the "obstacle course". When I came home to look at that I was rather amused and at the same time repulsed that I sound the way I do.
I shall not elaborate.

It was kind of late when we went down the "castle" but halfway down Shuming said she needed a rest and we stopped and chatted. Somehow we managed to talk about another meaty subject (a short lesson about how guys can become playas) and we were on either sides of the narrow sidewalk, which pissed quite a few people who had to walk past us on their way up!
This entry is another un-entertaining narrative. But I can't help myself. I'm not feeling inspired when faced with another 10-hour work day! Haha... till next time!

the last time we were there... we saw fireworks at the upcoming musical fountain at the sea too :)
hey, you should be the youth ambass for sentosa or something haha
I wish! I should probably get the Islander pass for FREE or something!
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