Friday, June 13, 2008

Tell Me That It's Over

The only cycle I used to know of was the way they named seasons in America's Next Top Model. Like ANTM Cycle 5. Or winner of ANTM Cycle 10 - Whitney. Now I've just finished the first of ten cycles post-ORD and I'm lokoking forward to ROD already. Booking out today was fantastic.

There'll be some people I'll miss seeing around though, those you know that you'll only see at the next ICT. They're great people. It's just that somehow it takes something on a scale as large as this to meet everyone again.

I'll be busy with a lot in the next three weeks. It's really thrilling. I'm anticipating the start of all the work that's coming in. There's tuition. I'll be rehearsing for The Minister's Wife ?!. There's preparation for CS DND. I'll be doing publicity for Dinner and Dance. And then there's also Hall FOC.

Yes, it'll be a crazy month.

Ooh and there's timetable-ing too! I'm going to take acting and short story writing next semester. I need modules that are non-examinable. And I'm genuinely interested in them too. I bet they'll be easy to get than some of the science mods!

After a rather crappy week, it's time to celebrate the end of Cycle 1! *throws confetti and takes out mahjong set at Ivan's house*


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