Thursday, October 07, 2010

Becoming 24

Turning 24. And realising that you've got 24 hours in a day. Only 24 hours. And that life is fragile - time passes by so quickly. Every moment you spend doing nothing when you could've done something, every moment you could've spent sad when you could've been happy... those moments won't come back.

It's with this realisation that I've been trying to make the best of my time, especially since gaining independence from school. You get to choose how you portray yourself, what to make of your time, what to make of your company, where to spend your money, where your alliances lie, what you believe in, what your tastes are. The things that define you. I've been having a great time getting to know myself and growing. I guess I've also found out things that I don't like about myself but I try to change, take a step towards perfection, towards growth and towards maturity.

I've attended more gigs this year than the rest of my life combined, I've appreciated music and movies more than ever. I've spent a greater time dancing and drinking. I've also spent time laughing and teasing my family and friends, the people who validate my existence. I'm glad to grow one year older and become wiser, stronger and most importantly, funnier.

24 years behind me and my 25th year ahead. I want to be more in control of my emotions, but not turn emotionless. I want to smile more and appreciate others. I want the world to LOOK AT ME and think that I'm ALL ABOUT ME but secretly make it all about you.

I've done a good job so far, nothing much to complain about. Had some silly moments, small, regrettable things that I've done but on the whole... I'll just keep kicking ass in life!



Anonymous said...

You are definitely wiser and funnier than most 24s i know! But I do not know much about "stronger" though...hmm.

I'm referring emotional strength lah... what are you thinking? haha.

That one, needs to take its own course in life...

Here's to 24 more good years of good music and good company.


jason kyh said...

hahaha yeah lah i stil havent grown enough yet. i can feel it. im still really far from where i wanna be. esp possibly emotional strength... haha i will try harder lah and with help from u guys surely can one!