Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Vision Board

"If you can't see it, you can't hit it!"

I had a good laugh watching 2 Broke Girls. It's a rather amusing sitcom - super crass, but never bordering on tasteless. They're the anti-Gossip Girls, dressed in crappy clothes and hilarious, but equally crappy personalities!

So one of them creates a Vision Board. A Vision Board is a board where you place pictures of your hopes and dreams. You see it every day. It gives you direction. It gives you inspiration. It gets you up in the morning. It's got to be huge. The board's got to be huge. The dream's got to be huge. You can't put like, a picture of a hundred-dollar bill. You've got to put a picture of the cupcake shop that you're going to own.

It's an amazing and really fun concept. Everyone loves to dream. Making that board gives you a chance to do that. There's a bit of arts & crafts. A little bit of design. It's basically goal-setting, that's what it is. And it provokes the subconscious. You see it every day and it'll bug you into thinking, "What do I have to do, to get what I want? To be where I want to be?"

I'll make a Vision Board one of these weekends and post it up!

And it reminds me of a tweet I tweeted this morning: Happiness means different things to different people. Chase what you need not what you can't have.

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