Sunday, April 05, 2015

Let's be good friends

Let's be good friends
You said

When we first met
You swept me off my feet
With a kiss 
We've never been friends

I don't know what I want
You said

I know what I want
All you need is to
Want me

I like you
You said

Maybe not enough
Maybe you're scared
Maybe I'm not scared
Maybe we can keep trying

We can't try without an end in mind
You said

We can't
But it's been perfect
Why stop now

At least we have the memories
You said

There's permanence in the ending
A finality, like death
Once we move on
There'd be no reason to remember

I take it back
I hoped you'd say

You didn't
And I didn't protest
I hear you
This is what you want

PerhapsI shouldn't have pressed for an answerI was happy Now I'm slipping under

Let's be good friendsYou said

I said


kmt said...

Cheer up! Sometimes in life,no matter our best intentions and efforts,things never seem to go the way we wish for them to.

But maybe that's what it means to live,because as much as there's pain in struggle,there's beauty in it too.

So yea,cheer up! For you deserve nothing less than someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who reminds you everyday that he loves you without him having to say it.


Anonymous said...

Cheer up! Sometimes in life,no matter our best intentions and efforts,things never seem to go the way we wish for them to.

But maybe that's what it means to live,because as much as there's pain in struggle,there's beauty in it too.

So yea,cheer up! For you deserve nothing less than someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who reminds you everyday that he loves you without him having to say it.
