Saturday, November 08, 2008

Violence Is Not The Answer

I think I'll be staying away from Taiwan for quite awhile after what I've seen today. It makes me sick to my stomach. I can't bear to watch their variety shows after seeing the... urgh.

Basically there have been protests led by the DPP (ie CSB stirring shit to draw attention away from the fact that he had embezzled money) against the fact that President Ma would be holding talks with a senior Chinese envoy. The protests were led by current DPP leader Tsai who promised that it would be peaceful. During the so-called "peaceful" time, supporters hurled stones at policemen and surrounded a vehicle that was supposed to spray water at the crowd in case it turned ugly.

The supporters surrounded the vehicle and through rocks at the poor drivers, stuffing rocks and various metal objects underneath the vehicle. They pushed and shoved and blared horns at it, and then started throwing eggs. As if that was not enough they broke the windows, tried to attack them with umbrellas, more rocks, vulgarities... and basically every thing that they could find.

It's basically a disgrace to democracy and free speech. Seriously.

Tsai was said to have brough her supporters away at 530PM but a sizeable number stayed back and attacked the police. They surrounded the hotel at which the President and the envoy was supposed to meet. I think President Ma was damn smart to have pushed the meeting earlier in view of all the nonsense but this further angered the mob. Actually, what the fuck, they came prepared with stones and those home-made flame throwers. It was a crazy scene.

I mean unrest happens everywhere but when you see it happening somewhere rather near, a place you've been before, and a territory you thought was similar to you in some sort of culture... this is downright disgusting.

Oh and the freakshow Tsai is damn proud that they shortened Ma's meeting with the envoy to a mere 7 minutes. Since DPP lost the election they don't have the balls to accept it with grace and have been causing unrest for the country ever since. It's only been 5 months since President Ma took over!

The DPP also managed to get students from Taiwan University to havoc. And there are sutdents now, in the rain, protesting that there shouldn't be a need to get permits for protests. It was pathetic. One granddad went on to the scene and was distraught, wanting to bring his grandson home, saying that his parents worked hard and everything and now... this is how he repaid them.

I'm quite frustrated that Taiwanese polictics is reduced to blatant bitches barking and now that someone capable is in power, the opposition has to resort to such low tactics.

I see the policemen protecting the place for 30 hours, not being able to go home, being blared by horns... and the violence. There's so much violence vented on them that I want to go down there and fight those fuckers with my bare fists. How humane is it to attack your fellow citizens! They are people, human too! It's a complete mind-fuck that one girl's dad was a police and got a stroke while dealing with the fucking mob and she found out that her friend's dad was part of the mob.

I am so disgusted.

Tsai would have been able to escape Chen's shadow since she's now fronting DPP if she had been able to hold a peaceful demonstration. However it came down to this kind of shit. She was known as a quiet person but ever since she became the "leader". She wasn't strong enough to change the way the party worked. The party changed her.

The only thing that impressed me was how well-informed and unbiased the Taiwanese media were. They were also very resourceful in finding stories to report and they held discussions with scholarly people as well as politicians.

And to the students being blindly led by their professors... open your eyes. Stop hiding behind your innocent "I'm-a-student" shit. If you've a political stance and you're taking it, be prepared for the consequences.

Actually all I hope is for peace over there because it really is a lovely place. And I feel very bad for all the policemen who were attacked because it really wasn't their fault at all so... yeah.

More here but believe me, it's much more horrible watching a blow-by-blow account of it on Taiwan television. It's bloody painful to watch. I'd rather concern myself with the fact that Britney and Justin appeared at Madonna's concert but then again...


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