Saturday, March 07, 2009

Pounding The Pavement

I went for a run last night. I almost forgot how good it felt to have my running shoes pounding on the pavement and that single-minded determination to keep going. I haven't felt so in control and such a whole - body, heart and mind. It's been I year. I don't know why I stopped. Weirdly enough I imagined the 4 other people who've ran with me before, running with me. It was as if they were there pushing me on. Then there was music. I haven't ran with my mp3 player for more than 2 years and the feeling's incredible. With every beat of the bass, my foot would come into contact with the ground and it's just impossible to stop going.

There's so much on my mind, but there's only so much I can do. There's only so much time I have, so much sleep I need. I should live life the way I want it and not copy how others are living it.


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