Tuesday, December 15, 2009

AltLife S01E06 - A Blue Christmas

"Christmas. Next Friday. Plans?" SMS-ed Justin.

"Go bug someone else," I replied.

"I take that as a no," said Justin as he swung the door open without knocking. I gritted my teeth and resisted the temptation to slam the door in his face. Justin, being Justin, strutted to my bed and sat down.

"They should put some fur on you and paint you green! You'd fit the part and win an Oscar," laughed Justin.


"It's her, isn't it?" asked Justin, pointing at the photo frame on my table. Without thinking, I grabbed it and put it face-down.

Jasmine. The girl in the photo. Whom I broke up with two months ago. Technically, she broke up with me. Anyway, I spent the last 2 Christmases with her and her family. They were huge fans of Christmas. There would always be a huge tree. Stockings hanging from under the 42" LCD TV. And turkey. And mahjong with her sister and her boyfriend. We had a tradition going on and now, I had to find a new way to spend Christmas.

I preferred not to think about it. Holidays suck because they are iconic. You associate your past experiences with them. The memories are harder to erase. They haunt you every time the festivities comes around. It's when family and loved ones gather and smile cheesily at the camera for no other reason than it's Christmas Day.

Hell, there isn't even snow.

"There's only one place it belongs," commented Justin as he lifted the frame and calmly tossed it into the bin.

"So. What's the plan?" I asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Happy Christmas drinks. You know, like Baileys. A lame gift exchange. Singing carols. Falling asleep while watching crappy TV programmes."

"Sounds good to me."


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