Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Single Man


A friend blogged about it, saying, "But I would rather just ask each and every one who stumbles upon this, strangers and friends, to go watch A Single Man. For it is a single most moving movie in a long long time."

Another friend said that Tom Ford was the director and that she was really excited to watch it.

I didn't know much about Tom Ford either.

So I took a chance. I entered the cinema without knowing anything about the film except for the two things I heard above. And it was incredibly good. I read somewhere that it could've pushed a bit more for full marks at the emotional level and I somewhat agree. However, it delivered. Beautiful cinematography, awesome acting... it represents the type of film that I've come to love.

Most importantly, I saw the world through someone else's eyes. My horizons were broadened. I loved how the movie exposed the character's inner voice. I loved the way they dealt with my greatest fear, death. And also of broken hopes and unfulfilled dreams.

It was powerful and moving. I would watch it again.

It's no mean feat for the first-time director. But from interviews that he has done, his heart's in the right place. He made it for the right reasons - he had something to say.

I'm already looking forward to what Tom Ford will come up with next.


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