Saturday, April 22, 2006

Pic of the Week

Due to the fact that I'm going to be on a trip to Thailand soon, I've decided to dig out some of my old photos taken on my previous trip. In 2003, I went to Thailand with my JC-mates for OCIP. We formed a group named Rigel, after a star. Maybe I'll start telling the story in a more organised fashion when I have the time.

This photo was taken at the village we lived in in Chiang Rai. Jia Hui and I stayed with this young couple, and the guy between us is the man of the house. They don't have any children, which is rather surprising. He is seldom at home, because he works in the city as a chef if I'm not wrong! Jia Hui's sort of my buddy for this trip. I remembered us saying to each other that we thought we wouldn't be able to get along, because he was such an extrovert and I was pretty quiet, especially at the beginning, but we got along just fine right from the time we set foot into the house together. We had plenty to talk to each other about and confided in each other about quite a lot of stuff.

Also I remembered once when I was supposedly "missing". He went all over the village looking for me, and it was starting to get dark. He tripped over a drain or something and sprained his ankle. And I was found sleeping in the house, under all those thick blankets. Okay, one reason I was there to begin with was that I was in a sort of a bad mood (there were a couple of times that I felt like that), but I wasn't hiding. Was kind of touched by his concern and how he looked out for me during the trip.
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