Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shutter Island


It is most possibly the freakiest thriller of all time. After watching this, I vow that my next 10 movies are to be chick-flicks, rom-coms, animated films and action movies. I need more brainlessness.

Shutter Island was terribly engaging and got me guessing throughout the movie. The actors were brilliant and I was hooked on to every line they said for clues as to what would happen in the end. It was super mind-fucked and I must say... I didn't see it coming. The beauty in it though, was not in the twist. It was in the exploration of human condition, of violence, of love, of rules.

Yes, especially of rules. And the insane has no rules. It was crazy. I totally freaked out. The music was creepy, the lighting was intimidating, the shots were... paced in such a way that I had difficulty breathing.

After Blood Diamond, my impression of Leonardo Dicaprio changed dramatically. Also the insanely good Revolutionary Road. His acting with this one topped all that. I was so drawn into this flawed hero. I felt like I was being strangled every time he was thrown into the deep end.

And also, the question posed: to die a good man, or live a monster. I would be too cowardly to die. I'd live a monster.

I'm not being coherent. If you're looking to spend your money on a movie that you'll remember for a very long time, watch this.


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