Monday, November 01, 2010

Waste of Space

I need to grow up. One bad grade and I don't feel like attending lecture tomorrow morning. Suck it up Jason. Stop being lame. It's not over and you can try harder.

All of a sudden, it's raining. There's the sudden drop in temperature. And the loud roaring of the rain as it comes tumbling down from the heavens and the pitter-patter on the windows. It just makes me emo. It's comfortable to sleep yes, but I'm not in bed. I'm sitting here, thinking.

Sometimes I don't want to be this responsible, optimistic person. Although I try hard to be. I'm also dark and twisty and needy. Illogical and irresponsible, idiotic and indecisive. I'm a bit tired of this yang guang nan hai thing.

In fact, I've even lost my tan.

Maybe it's just the rain. The smell of it and the way it envelopes my existence from the outside. Feeds this moodiness.

I'll just sleep this away.


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