Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I feel that Priceless is one of those movies which doesn't deserve to be pidgeonholed one category. It's curently being marketed as a romantic-comedy, but it's so much more than that. It really got me thinking about so many aspects of life, and it's bloody refreshing in terms of content and cinematography. Audrey has grown so much since Amelie, and you've really got to watch that movie to understand why.

It's refreshing because in romantic comedies, the girl is usually dorky in a cute kind of way and Irene is anything but that. She's as sexed up as hell and flashes her boobs a couple of times in the movie. Then of course there are the techniques of story-telling. While Hollywood is more obsessed with being brash and in-your-face, this French film plays coy and drops hints instead. A perfect example would be the scene of Irene having a few miniature umbrellas, trophies collected from the cocktails that she downed, stuck in her curly, brown hair. Brilliant.

I haven't laughed this much in a long time. It shows that good acting actually transcends language barriers. It's proven in the part where they stare at each other and try to speak using their eyes. There was the I'm-sexy look. Also featured was the distant-because-I-am-lost-in-you look that really got the audience transfixed.

What is a bonus, but probably a double-edged sword as it's causing me to type this entry instead of sleeping, is that the film explores so many themes. There's lying, which almost never turns out well because the truth can sometimes emerge at the most awkward moments. There's materialism. Why do we invest money and time looking for and trying to acquire the trendiest clothes or the most attention-grabbing watch when at the end of the day, none of those matters? There's also betrayal, and how you can never expect your feelings towards someone to be completely mutual because there's always one person who feels more strongly, be it with regards to friendship or love. Everyone can fall for a smooth-talker, or someone with lots of charm, but how many people can like you despite the flaws you have?

Oh yeah, I'm trying to find answers to the questions that have seemed to resurface despite the fact that I'd very much like to tie them to an anvil and drop them into the Pacific Ocean. I want to know what direction my life is headed , and knowing that I'm in control of most of it makes me want to take responsibiliy of how it turns out. Yes, I'm reflecting.

Because, to quote a current fav song, what's the use of having a life if you don't know the way it should be lived?
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1 comment:

weetzdom tooth said... someone is very moved by you :)