Friday, February 20, 2009

Closing Ceremony


Last year I performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Hall Olympiad. This year I performed at the Closing Ceremony.

I know I could probably write more about it, such as the effort I put in, the time I sacrificed. But this isn't about me. It's about the team. Everyone had their input into our final performance. Be it from the choreography to costume (I designed the shirt!!!), everyone had a small part to play. It was a tiring process going from nothing to something and it was awesome to have the audience cheering for us at the end. It was great that our effort was recognised.

Thank yous to the people who were cheering in the crowd, all those people from Hall 12 and Ros and Yiling. Okay so it did make me a tad more nervous but it's encouraging to know that there are people rooting for you.

Surprisingly, our virgin dance crew came in second. We were ecstatic because it was unexpected, because for many of us it was our first time dancing at this kind of level, and we probably had a tad less choreography than other crews. But as it turns out, no less in terms of quality.

We screamed and screamed and screamed and cheered and cheered and cheered. Jumped up and down and up on stage and we just could not keep still. I had my hands on my head in stark disbelief and so did everyone else. It was just insane. Mayhem.

First went to Hall 1 who were God-like. It's such an honour being second to them.

A video will be up soon, but I screwed up quite badly at the front. The back was awesome though, so I'm looking forward to seeing that! We went to Ah Fang for Roti Prata because there was a line in our dance sequence about Prata and Teh Tarik. It was the funniest shit ever.

We walked back, singing, dancing, reminiscing about our dance rehearsals and listening to songs that we did during warm up, down the dark, wide empty streets of NTU.

It was really amazing. I know I've been a bit... out, of hall activities for a long time, but this is one of those defining moments of my Uni life.


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