Monday, August 09, 2010

Brand New

Life is made up of chapters and sometimes even different books. Some chapters begin and some chapters end and some start at the same time. Some reference each other and some remain incomplete.

This week was crazy. I made a new friend, another new friend and another new friend. I never imagined talking to so much to people I've met for the first time.

I went to Singfest, where I saw Wonder Girls, who were horrible. Caught up with Tokio Hotel and Katy Perry who lit the stage with their fiery passion. They would rather die than not perform. That was what made them so special, so influential, so cannot-take-your-eyes-of-them.

It was also the chance to hang out with Colin and Weetz. I was possibly exaggerating when I said I would die without them but my life would've been so different. From them I learned so much and it was just great hanging out with them.

I watched 4 movies this week. There was The Sorcerer's Apprentice which was somewhat lame. There was The Last Airbender, which was slightly better but had the potential to be much better. Dev Patel was outstanding though. Met up with Ros and we watched Memento that I bought for less than 5 dollars in Phuket. It was an exciting piece of work, challenging to watch, dying to be understood and so memorable, for a story of a character who couldn't remember any more than a day of his life. There was also Pulp Fiction yesterday - another masterpiece. Very talky but with lots of action at the back. I love dialog-driven pieces because they focus more on character than action. And by "action" I mean the parts of the script where it merely says "fight scene here" and the entire thing is choreographed and more often than not, lacks character, lacks soul.

I got drunk twice. I really hope that this week would be more peaceful, not that I regret anything that I've done... yet. I went to Zouk on Friday for a fashion show and enjoyed myself tremendously. I had enough drinks. I just felt that it was a bit wasted that there wasn't more music and dancing but the company made up for it. Then there was Brewerkz last night. I drank till I was high for a couple of hours and my head hurt on the way back home and I collapsed on my bed after a shower.

Am I really that much more fun when I am high?

I've scolded quite a few friends for being able to hold their liquor. I'd tell them, "For fuck!? You might as well be drinking water!" Yes I think a lot of people have heard this line. Some people get judged for going off to another land with a few drops. I judge people for swallowing an ocean and not feeling a thing.

And you who apologised, possibly with good intentions. But what I saw was you asking for forgiveness so that you could make yourself feel better. I'm glad someone made you see you for who you were but I refuse to be the one to absolve you of your guilt.

Luck? You were never good in mahjong anyway.


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