Thursday, August 12, 2010

YOG Rehearsal

I just went to Ness' blog and I realised that I am not supposed to post photos of the opening ceremony however I have prepared this entry before reading it and I am not about to let my efforts go down the drain. If you are attending the ceremony in any way please stop reading right now. If you are not (which surely most of you aren't) please scroll and see the photos.

I think I can understand why the average Singaporean isn't excited that YOG is held here. Partly because most of them (yes I'm talking about the rather self-centered are self-centered. Oops I said that already!

Interested or not, it'd be foolish and narrow-minded to not see what the YOG has on our small country. I'm proud that the world's youth athletes are currently being housed in NTU. I'm proud that the world will have something to say about Singapore. I sat through the ceremony last night and there were countries whose names I haven't heard of, partially due to my own ignorance and partially due to how impossible it is to know every country on earth! I see this as a great opportunity for the world to see Singapore for what she is and what she stands for.

I sound more patriotic than how I felt during National Day.

Also it has impacted youths in a big way (I pray that they stay away from the negativity of cynical adults. those motherfuckers.) There's the opportunity for exchange between our youths and the athletes, opportunities to volunteer and to work (my brother is waking up at 530AM every day to head down to NTU although I'm not sure what he does), opportunities to write, to photograph, to report, opportunities to perform... The list is endless - it's such a huge celebration of sportsmanship and a step towards world peace.

It was with great enthusiasm as I took my seat at The Float. I enjoyed the performances tremendously (parts of it reminded me of a very extravagant pop concert). The music production was fantastic - ranging from Korean songs to American hits (Nobody to Tik Tok) and old to new (Ace of Base's Beautiful life yo!). It was fantastically done and included songs that have transcended culture and were hits for different singers in different languages. The costume and stage design was WOW too. My only gripe was the choreography. It would've been more exciting to see formations than dance steps although the water-splashing bit was brain-spoil brilliant.

The one thing that stood out was the energy of the youngsters. It was incredible and I hope they didn't have to go to school the next day! They really put everything out there although they must've gone through countless rehearsals and possibly many groups of unresponsive audiences (don't worry kids this is the rehearsal audience the real one will be better). I was moved by their discipline and their performance. I remember reading somewhere (I forgot where) about youths being seen on the streets with a repulsive sense of entitlement, taking everything for granted and spoilt rotten. I can only hope that they are the minority and the majority are these youngsters, who are passionate, who sweated it out for a cause, who believe in something bigger than themselves.

Also there were too little fireworks yesterday.

And a huge thank you to Qiao Ping and Joyce for their wonderful company. I know I'm energetic and high every time we meet - just like an Energizer Bunny I'm turned on all the time.


MBS is really pretty. I would like to stay in her forever.


Red is my favourite colour.


Look at the splashing! So ingenious! Like fountain! (Bobby feels sorry for them because they were in their sharp-looking uniforms but they looked like they were enjoying it!)


Flag-raising. First time I see the flag so big.



The Monster segment. It was really clever how the monster was fighting with the guy on the ground. Good job the video-design people! (I cannot remember what they are called lah!)




Also a bit clever the twirling strands of DNA representing humans, which changed colour according to the flags that came out. We are all different on the outside but fundamentally the same.


The kid on the right shouted rather loudly "GO HOME!" after it was announced that one of the segments ended. It was hilarious and I don't blame him. They were waving and hyping the crowd for hours. They all did a wonderful job.

I'm a bit sad that this is possibly my only chance to have anything to do with the YOG and I regret that I didn't volunteer to be any part of it but I wish all those who did to have fun and that it'll possibly be a memorable and enriching experience for all of them.


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