Saturday, August 20, 2011

Horrible Bosses


Horrible Bosses is a good cheap thrill.

The three very likable main characters plot to kill their bosses. Thankfully they weren't douche bags or it'd fall into the rather overused, trashy, brocom category. Their bosses though... were more horrible than "horrible" could begin to describe. Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell were so horrible that if they were my bosses I'd plot to kill them for real too.

Also, 2 of the leading actors are called "Jason".

It was funny, tight, and the coincidences were believable. It was clever at parts. I think I like it better than Bridesmaids. Slightly too much toilet humour in that one. Memorable, but still, toilet humour. Literally.

The most disturbing thing (or the best thing, depending on your point of view) is that Jennifer Aniston was reduced to a blown-up sex doll. They probably surveyed 100 of the world's horniest men and asked, "What is your ultimate Aniston fantasy?" This list, of course, includes her saying, "Slap me in the face with your ding-dong" and wearing a doctor's coat with no shirt, no bra. Also eating a banana like that.

Final verdict: Very watchable for a huge number of reasons. Every one can imagine having a boss they'd want to kill.

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