Sunday, August 14, 2011

Work-Life Balance

The cycle seems kind of endless. I start the day early. I hate waking up. I hate the travelling. The work's good, surprisingly! Many things in life are about choice and this is one of those things that it'd be wise to choose wisely. The last few hours pass quicker than I imagine and before I know it, I'm out of the office. Time is spent travelling. Most of the time I meet up with awesome friends. Other times I'm teaching tuition. Very rarely, I go straight home. In fact this has possibly only happened twice!

I think I'm in need of a lot of sleep. When I finally get back home I don't even feel like doing anything. Granted, maybe I've to chill a little on my social life. But I can't even find time to do much household chores, save ironing my clothes! I wish there were more hours in a day.

This Thursday marks 1 month of starting work. I hope to get into the groove of things and not only do well in my career, but outside of that as well!


Anonymous said...

Takes 3 months at least, to get into the wheels of things... so slowly lah...

speaking of one month... must buy all of us dinner to celebrate!! Hahahaaa


jason kyh said...

hahaha take 3 months right! i feel the need to outperform myself starting right now, but it's so hard.

HAHA i a bit slow... will buy dinner INDIVIDUALLY lah! =P (birthday dinner or sth =P)

esotism said...

so fast 1 month liao!

good to hear that things seem to be going ok. jiayou jiayou.