Monday, January 16, 2012

The Ban

I'm going to stop buying clothes. All clothes. Anything that can be worn. Includes cologne and watches. And necessities like briefs and socks. Or even sporting apparel. That's the one that really killed it for this month!

Target: 2.5 months. Go big or go home. We're in the middle of January. Two and a half months would effectively bring me to 1st April.

I'll be able to save a lot of money by then. I'm subconsciously cutting down on eating at restaurants too. Maybe the money will go to bigger dreams, greater adventures. I don't have enough space to put all my belongings as it is.

Oh, and what makes me think that I can resist the sales and the new seasons of clothes? If anyone catches me buying anything /wearing anything that you're confident I've bought after today, from now till 1st April, I'll give you double the amount of money I've spent on that item.

Let's bet on it.


Anonymous said...

Like dat ah... on... i wanna earn double hahaha.


jason kyh said...

hahaha i will surely refrain from buying anything!!