Nanyang Technological University
School of Communication and Information vs School of Biological Sciences
For SCI, I'm interested in all that they have to offer. The only problem is that there's limited intake each year (180), and also I'm not sure if I can secure a good job outside after this course. I don't doubt the prospects of this career but people around me like my parents and relatives who are all out there, working, feel that it's not easy to find a job because the media industry of Singapore has been monopolised, therefore there are also fewer opportunities for employment. However, I see a vast number of career choices. Producers, directors, broadcast reporters, interactive media coordinators in media, business, industry and government, public affiars managers, media planners, account exec, creative directors, consultants, marketing spec and publicists in corporate communication settings, gov roles, advertising and public relations agencies, news analysts, reviewers and columnists at newspapers, mags, news agencies, oublishing houses and online information services... That's just to name a few!
Anyway, before specialisation in second year, we'd be exposed to Electronic and Broadcast Media, Public and Promotional Com, Journalism and Publishing and Com Research. That's a whole lot of stuff! Plus, it isn't a dead subject. Well, it's considerably more alive...
And the people! From my visit to NTU, I could tell that the undergrads in SCI are cool, articulate and confident. Also, the lecturer giving the talk was a charming lady from Australia, and she was interesting.
School of Biological Sciences... To be honest, I still love Biology. How do I know that? Well, when I saw the sign "School of Biological Sciences" at the booth of the exhibition, I think my heartrate increased. Okay, that's somewhat of an exaggeration but Biology is still something I'm interested in. However, after mugging for A Lvls, I'm not sure I'm ready to take it on and come out being very satisfied with what I've achieved in this area.
Molecular and Cell Biology. Struc and Computational Biology. Chem Bio and Biotech. Genetics and Genomics. Whatever job I get after taking these courses would be in education, research or application of the science itself. I'm not sure if I'm ready for life as a researcher or a teacher or scientist.
What's most troubling is that the adults around me feel that taking Biology would be a better gamble than SCI. I'm quite confused as to which one I should take and whether I'm going to embrace the courses for the right reasons. Maybe my excitement in taking on the unknown course is only temporary, but then again, I've always been interested in Media. Then there's also science. Argh.
Give me your opinions to consider. I appreciate the help.
i couldn't get onto the tagboard so i decided to leave a comment...
people that know me would probably know what i want to say but if you don't...DELETE THE WHOLE COMMENT BULL...comments will remain as comments unless its by your heart...only you can decide what is good for you...who gives a shit about the limited you? you don't! if you want me to give you a comment on which subject should you be more interested...why the whore will i know! its up to you...close your whatever meditation you can can even use kabblah to lead will regret whatever choice you make now(ok im just 50% sure) but in any case this path you are certain to walk will only leave stones unturned because they have to be so. SO ASK YOURSELF!!! its not about the job opportunity its not about the graduation its about you...INSIDE OUT
yeah anyway u have an OD which i am not invited...*_*
...kabblah? don't
Glad you made the choice that shaped you into what you are today
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