I know people who enjoy seeing my chart are going to kill me for missing 2 weeks of action consecutively (yeah, I don't plan on doing this week's one either!), but I think I'll take a break till next week at least! Then the chart will start afresh. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make it better, I'd gladly accept it! I'm thinking of a new format for it. I know it's a lousy excuse, but work has been keeping me busy. And contrary to popular belief it does take more than 2 hours to get it done!
I'm getting fat. Send me back to NS! My fitness was really at its peak, but I hate to think that I would never be in that condition again.
A new year - new resolutions. I used to think it was wisdom that we shouldn't bother with them. But now, what's the point of kicking off another year without new hopes, dreams and goals? I'll think through mine and post them soon enough. I know it'll be thoroughly exciting - finally stepping into Uni (when my parents' have been nagging at me to do well enough to enter since P1), trying to be financially independent, exploring the world and maybe taking on a new job.
I've had much more of a social life this month as compared to when I first started the job! I've been meeting my friends after work (a big shoutout to Guo Fei, Ivan, Shawn, Samuel and Kenneth - Death Note 2 was good) and plan on attending a couple of parties like NYE at Jie Yu's, a secret party on the 3rd January and Terence's 21st birthday on the 13th! I'll finally get to do some cam-whoring! Hahaha!
I got Edison Chen's last album Hazy last night at Gramaphone for $2.95. Well, I can understand its lack of appeal - it's rap, it's in Cantonese, he's unlikeable. But despite my limited knowledge (and vision) of Asia's pop culture (no, I don't listen to BoA), he is someone who really stands out. If I'm not wrong he's headlining a concert for Kanye West in Hong Kong. I'm not a big fan of Kanye's music, but it could be really hot if he's producing stuff for Edison (as hinted on his blog). His new album is slated for release during the first quarter of 2007.
And if Britney doesn't come up with hers next year, I'm done.

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