Oh yeah, the year flies by too fast for me to contemplate what's going on. As with any other, there are time of happiness, moments of despair... and all the other emotions in between. I've taken chances, gained lots of experience and put myself out there - doing things that are new and I never thought I would do. Pushing boundaries, and moving out of my comfort zone... Yes, it has definitely been one hell of a year. I think it's one of the best years I've ever had, but for now, I think I'll let the pictures do the talking, starting with January.

It was the month that I met up with Rigel, the OCIP group of which I was a part. We went to Thailand to do some community work such as building the extension of a museum in a village. With mud.

There was a small gathering with my class at KBox.

Followed by the Chinese New Year...

With family...

My brothers and cousins...

With my class...

With Rigel at Mr Cheng's house...

With Si Hua and Sequeena.
Yeah, it was a month of celebration!
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