Oh yeah, so if you were wondering what I was doing on Christmas, there's your answer.
I'm not terribly resentful or anything like that. After all, the pay's good. And I think I've experienced a whole of stuff that I never would if I hadn't taken on this job. I'm constantly meeting new people, and I'm learning how to make a good first impression and at the same time being friendly and approachable. Just working to become the person I want to be is a huge thing.
Anyway without these couple of people, my job wouldn't be as fun as it is now. Wei Hong, Madeline and Bernard are really cool and played a big part in spicing up my working life! Just yesterday we (Mad, Bernard and I) were recounting the first time when we met each other. It's rather hilarious actually. The first time I met WH was when we were working together, obviously and he taught me a lot of stuff and looked out for me. Stuff like that. Without him I probably would't be half as capable nor motivated as I am now. Then there's Madeline whose first words to me was a "warning" not to punch my card because we weren't technically late! It would be a few hours after that that we started talking. We'd either be singing along to the songs played or watching her do her short segments of "ballet"! Then there's Bernard who's nicknamed Pooh Bear. I was thinking of dying my hair the same colour as his when I first saw him, and I found out his name through his other redemption buddy, Lynn. He told me he knew who I was because I would always say "thank you" when I got stuff from them. The first thing I ever asked him about was where there was good food to eat at Orchard Road! It's ridiculous, but cool.
It's amazing how our paths cross.
I'm grateful to be where I am, and I thought of sending a letter to Si Hua's sister to thank her. I'm in the company of people who are driven and serious about work, and at the same time fun to be around. Though I'd seriously like to complain about the working hours, but I suppose it's impossible to get the best of everything!
I guess my only wish this year (I haven't heard that Britney X'mas song this year till I went to the cinema today with Mak to watch Gong Li's papayas, but that's an entry for another time) is... to be a better person.
How cliche. But true.
I think I need to blog more. I've got so much to say.

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