Than chasing out every temporary high to satisfy me
Ooh yeah Stacie Orrico sure was right when she sang that. I went to Velocity (not Vivocity dammit!) and I bought 2 shirts. One for myself and one for David, whom I'm meeting tomorrow. It's definitely not as cool as the "Cam Whore - I'm a star (on my own blog)" t-shirt that he got me. However, it's still an interesting design, comfortable material - I actually put effort into getting it! That's the challenge of getting X'Mas presents - making it a surprise and not being absolutely sure that the other party will like it. Anyway, I got a long-sleeved T for myself which had the dictionary explanation of RESPECT on it! I was looking for a V-Neck actually, but I guess I'll do with something less provocative.
I also got a copy of Jolin's Wu Niang album yesterday. Not only did I finish watching the DVD, I also sang Karaoke (with a very old mic) to some of the songs till 130AM in the morning. Work stress makes me crazy.
So as I was saying, I can't be chasing every temporarily high to satisfy myself. But I just can't help it! I need some kind of instant gratification for all that hard work, and sometimes nothing does that better than retail therapy. Yes, I'm still finding something that gives me more... and I think that there'd be some people who would point me in the direction of religion, but I don't think it's the thing for me. Well, at least not yet.
Anyway, Christmas is coming. And since I don't celebrate it in a religious sense, let me just give my two cents' worth of what the holiday means to me. From my limited knowledge and stuff I've learnt as a kid through cartoons, it's the time where you come together with your loved ones (as with every excuse of a holiday), show gratitude to the people you care about, a season to be jolly, of giving, and a time to celebrate and indulge in childhood innocence and fantasy again.
In a time where I know what I'm working towards, I feel more lost than ever.

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