Tough things to make.
I'm going to decide between going to Uni in April or in August. I need a bit of advice from all you Uni peeps. Although there's a really good chance that I'll go in in August, because I've always thought the the idea of going in earlier is retarded. But then again, going in earlier means graduating earlier (does it?) and looking for a job earlier, which might probably mean earning more money compared to what I'll be getting if I continue with my current job till June.
I don't know if I've said this before but the Night Safari called me up with regards to the post of Show Presenter. I told them promptly (while having KFC) that I had a job already. I wish I had taken the time to find out more about it, but I was really disappointed at them getting back to me 3 weeks after I posted my resume. Nevertheless, I'm keeping my options open. I might just go work for them when I start Uni.
Work hasn't exactly been monotonous. I see and learn new stuff everyday. However it's tiring. It's so different from army (when there are times where you feel so exhausted that you're going to die, and there are times where you're so free that your brain rots) and school (where you don't put in effort when you don't want to). I don't have to put in effort to be tired - standing all day causes that. Coupled with somewhat forced enthusiasm and smiles... that's really mentally draining.
Of course I'm exaggerating. Slightly.
But I'm a guy who'd rather do my best and feel beat, than being present but not contributing. I've learned that much about myself in army.
Anyway, I've gotten myself a cologne called Inmotion, from Hugo Boss. Yeah, I bought the tester. I can't help but buy stuff to reward myself after all I've put in to earn the money - just to be assured that it's all worth it.
I'm getting that freaking mp3 player this weekend.

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