Saturday, April 19, 2008

Global Warming

I'm watching the TVBS news channel now and I've got to say - it's impressive.


In an hour's news programme about global warming, they've managed to capture everything to the melting of ice glaciers and wildlife of the North and South poles (and a freak case of ice gathering in New Zealand), how pollution is affecting the rivers in China, how serious the problem of deforestation is, the wildlife in Brunei, how Australia is protecting its pristine mountain sides and managing ecotourism...

It was a thrilling program to watch. They've managed to get hold of some news segments from all over the world, and even more impressive, they've dispatched their own reporters to places like Finland, Brunei, Australia and New Zealand. It was packed, informative and entertaining. I've always thought that there were TV stations with better production standards but I think this really showed me that determination (the whole news package looked like a lot of work) and the willingness to talk about such a challenging topic.

I've watched programs about global warming, but not one has spurred me to take action more than this. I think reading about it on blogs, on the net and in newspapers doesn't have the impact of seeing it for yourself on television. I lost a bit of faith in the medium with most of us turning to youtube and all, but with the impact that I've felt from this program I might have to rethink my stand!

Anyway, I think I've got to do my part about global warming. It's kind of hard because it involves lifestyle changes and a lot of stuff we take for granted.

Go Planet!

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