Sunday, April 06, 2008



I saw Daniel Ong, my favourite DJ ever, yesterday at Bugis.


Dinner was fantastic but the queue was horrible. It reminds me why I like to stay home on the weekends. Yeah, I'm such a no-lifer. Liqi and I then made our way down to The Room Upstairs.


Lift was the title of the play we were going to watch.

It was quite hard to find the place but we got there just in time.

I liked the first act, first of all, probably because I got to see Mike in the flesh for the first time. I think for most part I didn't see some of the flaws such as the fact that there was no underlying storyline pushing the act through. It was mostly introduction of the characters. It was quite a giveaway, as it progressed, that these people weren't going anywhere because of how they would not appear in the second act. What worked for me was definitely the multiple roles that each actor took, having screen shots of the characters' lives, although that could probably have been more consistent across all 4 characters. I related a lot to the male characters, probably because I sucked at a lot of stuff and felt pressure to do well academically in my childhood. I probably would tell my mom that I felt my childhood was a tad ruined, but I don't hate her! Their monologues were gripping for me because I felt that it was almost as if my what I've always wanted to say was being put out there. The Brechtian elements of the play worked very well.

It all led on to the second act which was Realism in action. I enjoyed the rapid fire dialogue, the build up of tension, the clash of personalities... there were some parts of the script that didn't contribute that much to the climax and slowed down the pacing of it all, but it was great feeling the characters' desperation and the push for a resolution that was in everybody's interest. For me the gem was definitely the last scene where the Corporate Comms person wrapped up the thing with a speech which displayed fantastic PR skills... another something that I could relate to! Haha...


And a photo I took with star actor Michael Quilindo. Haha... Looking forward to the next one (if there's one)!

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