Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Streams of... Stuff

Expectations vs Reality

Clearing the clutter and giving focus to objectives and aims. Specialising in something of value instead of doing so many things at once - but am able to see the bigger picture.

Sorting out, being organised from my surroundings to docs in the laptop. Sorting out the mess.

Fulfilling promises, taking things seriously, totally no more ZZJ? Not about being selfish.

I've been pushing myself but am I going the right direction?

Maybe focus on EBM next semester. Check w bf on how it is. Stories to tell. Truths. Script. Technical skills. Vision. Make something engaging. View others' videos? Something revolutionary.

Writing. Writing? Writing! Writing.

Exercise. I haven't exercised in a long time. When running used to make me feel so alive.

I've to find a way to earn money, and have a life. Only 2 more tuition sutents left. Still torn over whether I should attend concerts. Or gather enough moolah to hit the clubs after the exams.

A new project? Something to call my own? To invest time & effort in? To mould/sharpen my skills? To learn. Photography? Exploration of new places. Taking chances. Finding a niche. Hard work & dedication to make something happen. Lots of writing. Separating casual from professional.

Goals list.

Music is my heaven. What I want the most now is probably all the CDs on the BIllboard 200 Chart and a worldclass sound system, a nice comfy room with a parquet floor, and a mattress on that floor, air con at full blast and a warm cup of chocolate (sounds like my room at home sans said CD collection & sound system).

And a good book. Been some time since one of those.


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