Monday, May 23, 2011

Cheers (Drink to That)


My friend and I were chatting a few days ago and we came across the term "best friend". How do you define it? What constitutes a best friend? Do you have someone to call your best friend?

I learned very early on that it's hard to have one best friend. Everyone's different and you just find that you enjoy different things with different people. The chemistry's different with different people. You talk about different things to different people... and different people fulfill different needs.

My take is that a friend is someone who would support me through my nonsense. It's difficult not to judge, especially when I'm not very sensible even at the best of times. So to me, a friend would simply be someone I feel comfortable talking to when the going gets tough.

I don't view friendships as transient but they're certainly hard to hold on to! They take a lot of time and effort and sometimes even with that, you just grow apart, for no reason. Priorities change, opinions differ, throw in a conflict or two and sometimes... sometimes you find it easier staying at home staring at the computer.

Perhaps it isn't that complicated. It doesn't matter if we're friends for a day or a year. Just as long as we've crossed paths, made each other smile and made a moment in life happier, we're friends.

Cheers, I'll drink to that.

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