Thursday, May 05, 2011

Your Criteria

I'm not here to tell you who to vote because that is clearly the job of the candidates.

However I feel the need to say this: Vote on who you think is best for the country. Vote for the country's interest. Vote because the policies will have impact on your fellow countrymen. The people you see every day, your family, your friends, the man on the street... Singaporeans will be affected by your vote. Vote logically and vote because you feel that what you're doing is right for the nation.

We can all believe different things and that's what makes a democracy. To me it's fine that we disagree. In fact, maybe it is the most interesting thing that we should disagree - we have no idea how the polls will turn out. It is the choice of the majority that will prevail.

But the most important thing is to think. Do not take what you hear from the Opposition at face value. Do not accept everything you read about the PAP from the Straits Times. Hopefully by now you'd have attended rallies, read widely, watched videos, discussed with your friends... the conclusion however, is entirely your own, and whichever you decide, so long as you have done it with thought and you are convinced that what you are doing is right, I am convinced that your vote means something to the election candidates and to the nation.

Do not vote on petty things. Do not base your vote on only emotions. Do not just base your vote on rational thinking. Reject all that is limiting. It is not good enough that the country has money but no heart. It is not good enough that the country has a heart but starves to death.

So make your best decision, a decision you can be proud of. Make a decision that you know will make your country a greater one for everyone around you. Make a decision for the future you want to see.

Make a decision for the nation and you only need to account to yourself. That is my greatest wish for all those voting this election.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

jason you are very good. i like you.