Monday, May 23, 2011



With her performances of the track and her arrival in the vessel during the Grammys, Gaga challenges the audience's idea of what it means to be "Born This Way". Is birth finite or infinite? Does it happen once or over again? Can you be reborn?

In the interview with Fuse, she also mentions that one has to honour his creativity or "it will tell you to fuck off and it won't come to dinner any more!"

Then it struck me. I haven't been honoring my creativity. I feel uninspired. I haven't been writing. I haven't been creating. I haven't been working hard at mining the ideas that came to me. And now they won't turn up when I need them to.

So the solution is this - a rebirth. A fresh start. Which was why I changed the skin of the blog. For a clean slate. To represent a new era and new ideas. It's a return to a passion and a lifestyle, to be sharing thoughts. I find that I learn more about myself when I sit down and go through this process of writing.

May this (new) journey be a rewarding one.


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