Sunday, September 25, 2011

Learning On The Job

People close to me probably know that I'm very good at pushing blame. It's a defence mechanism. It happens naturally. I don't even think about it. Most of the time I'm not even aware.

But ever since I started work, this mechanism doesn't really work. When you're entrusted with a project, you do everything to make it happen. Whether you foresee the problems, or not; whether you can solve the problems, or not; whether you feel threatened by the problems or not; it's your job to make things happen. Or even better, make it a success.

I've been forced to be more responsible. When things go wrong, I'll puff my chest out, look as unfazed as I can, step up and accept that the mistake is my fault, that I'll learn from it and try my best to ensure that it doesn't happen again. It's tough to be this grown up but I think it's a good learning experience for me. I'll never be able to become better, gain the necessary skills, if I focus on the positive and don't find out what's wrong.

Sometimes I discuss the issues with my boss. I hope I don't come across whiny though!

Finding solutions to problems is my job, regardless of the job scope. It's how I plan to excel at work; it's how I plan to excel in life.

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