Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Chapter

It's scary how parts of your soul and memories are connected to the people, places and things around you, kind of like how Voldemort stored parts of his soul in Horcruxes.

I haven't moved out of Hall since I stepped foot in that particular room 2 years ago. Just as time passed more swiftly than I imagined, my belongings accumulated sneakily. Every photo, every piece of paper, every container reminds me of something. I thought it only happened in the movies. People look at stuff and then there are flashbacks. Today, almost every item that I laid eyes on or touched roused emotions and memories. It was strange because they came unexpectedly so it felt like I was assaulted. But they were mine, these emotions and memories were in me and I was supposed to be in control. But I wasn't.

There were times I was close to tearing but I ended up choking on an invisible ball of emotion that formed in my throat.

Packing was thus arduous and draining. Despite being more decisive and throwing away as much as I could, there were still plenty I could not part with - the same things that would have difficulty finding a place in my house. I ended up with more bags than I could carry in 2 trips. I was confused, frustrated and drowning in the surrounding dust.

Finally I was more or less done. It was a crazy 2 hours. It was as if I fast-forwarded and lived 2 years in those 2 hours. I've done so much - the good, the bad and the ugly. True, there are things that I'm proud of, and nice memories like how I started my Hall life as a pageant contestant. But much more than that, there's so much I can't change. There's so much I look back at with regret. And there's so much that's out of control. I can't relive the good parts either. I can only look back, pathetically, knowing that it will not come round again.

It has also been the most recent two years of my life, the two years that I felt that I was responsible for most of what has gone on and for that, I'm proud of how it turned out. It could've been much worse.

So much drama.

I should be glad. I am. I am happy about where I am now. I don't need a restart button. I just need to march forth, bravely, and carry on.


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