Saturday, October 31, 2009

10 Things

10 Things That I Discovered While Hanging Out With The French

10. I know a lot of french words, such as chateaux, déjà-vu, cliché, renaissance, café and escargot.

09. Montpellier is awesome and I need to go there in the next 5 years.

08. I don't know any French singers except for Matt Pokora (for whom Timbaland produced a couple of songs, whom Kim Vy is disgusted by, and I mean Pokora, not Timbaland), and Kim Vy learnt that Celine Dion is Canadian.

07. In swimming, we call "freestyle" "front crawl" (or at least I do), they call it "crawl". But "butterfly" is still "butterfly".

06. The people in the south of France say hi to you when you're walking on the streets. The guys in the north don't.

05. The manga "One Piece" is available in France, in French.

04. The French don't mind getting wet under a drizzle, but detest drowning in sweat under the hot sun.

03. "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?" is considered aggressive when a girl says it to a guy.

02. The French are very good at drinking, despite what they may tell you. And despite the fact that they may be 5 years younger than you.

01. French is a very, very difficult language.



weetzdom tooth said...

Hahhaa i like 4, 3 and 1! yes, i gave up after studying 3 months!! so tough!

jason kyh said...

AHahahaha... yeah, but now i'm quite motivated to learn it already. shall start taking french the following semester!