Monday, November 02, 2009

The Beer Incident


Item 1, on the right.

Honey. For bread. I asked if bread was like, croissant. After repeating it a couple of times, I gave up. I spelled it to Kim Vy and he was stunned by how wrong I was in my pronunciation. I can't even remember how to say it properly now!

Item 2

"This is for bread too."

"Oh, okay, what is it?"

"It's meat. Kind of like chicken."

"So it's chicken?"

"No, it's not chicken."

"Okay, so is it like a small bird? Like a quail or something?"

"No, it's bigger than a chicken. And it's white."

"Huh?! Okay... so it's not chicken."

"Yeah, it's bigger, and it has a mouth like a duck."

And then it struck me and I typed "foie gras" on my phone and showed it to him. I didn't say that it was a goose. I joked that I was actually French because I know such things.

It is what we say and what we don't say make our conversations so memorable.

Item 3: Anchor Beer

Of the 4 days that I've been with Kim Vy, I drank with him on 3. It was the last day and we wanted to grab a beer. I've had an insatiable alcohol craving ever since we drank at Timbre and Home Club. He checked in at the airport and both of us went in search of alcohol. I couldn't find any shop in Terminal 1 selling it. (Qiqi later told me that there was Cheers downstairs.) We took a skytrain to Terminal 3. We went through the shops. Clothes and books and other stupid things. There was everything except alcohol. We could actually see the fucking Duty Free place inside the departure area with it's huge words TOBACCO and ALCOHOL mocking us. I was damn angry. We walked past Xin Wang Restaurant. Kim Vy, the true alcoholic at 18 (he would probably deny and kill me if he sees this), spotted it and grabbed my arm. We went in and got 3 cans. And then another 2. It seemed to confuse the cashier and they took fucking long to give us our change. We brought it back to the rest. I was carrying stuff and I felt that we were walking very fast. He said that I should be able to walk quickly because I run everyday. I replied that I didn't but I knew why he didn't get drunk easily. He had the habitude of drinking every day back in France. He laughed it off as usual. When we got back there was lots of drama and this can was left untouched.


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