Thursday, September 22, 2011


I've to constantly remind myself life is about averages. There're extreme highs and extreme lows, but seldom are things defined by them. From performances to relationships, it's always through consistent hard work, constant commitment, continuous courage to carry on, whatever the endeavour.

You've had a bad day, you've done something badly, you've treated someone wrong... but if your intentions are good, you've had more good days than bad, you do more good than bad, you treat people how you want to be treated, then yes, you're on the right track.

To myself, and you all, don't be consumed by emotions. They can be the biggest motivation and the greatest restriction. It's easy to overreact and to overthink. It's easy to be easily affected by what goes on around... to be really happy and really sad. When push comes to shove, stay stable, stay strong, believe and push on.

You'll be who you want to be; you'll get what you want; you'll be happy.

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