It is February already, and it seems like the new year celebrations happened so long ago. However, there is much of it left ahead to make a difference and to make those resolutions come true. Looking forward and working towards targets which have been set can make the difference between living a life allowing things to happen by chance and the thrill of chasing after beautiful dreams. No doubt things might not have gone the way they were supposed to in the past 1 months, but there's still a long time to go into making the days count. The satisfaction of looking back at the past year knowing that ambitions were achieved is what will provide the motivation for making the next year an even more meaningful one.
Taking charge of life might seem tough. In fact, we most often blame our demise on situations and others instead of taking apart the factors causing failure and reflecting on them. It is true that some things are indeed out of our control (like serving NS), so the next best thing would be to make the most of the situation. Steal time in between duties and waiting to plan a meaningful weekend, or read a book about your favourite hobby, be it drumming or soccer. It is daring to be different and trying to make your life something you'd be proud of that is important. There might be a chance that people might think it's weird that you're not taking the opportunity to rest or something, but they can have their own opinions and you're entitled to yours. Taking practical action along with a plan is the key into making things happen, instead of passively waiting for the good stuff to come your way. A half-hearted plan carried out with maximum effort will definitely yield more results than a gem of a plan without any action taken on it.
Make every day count and celebrate the little victories that lead up to the big ones. From the mock IPPT to the real ones, from little tests to the huge exams, milestones are the things that keep you on the right track. Perserverance is important because it allows you to deal with negative feedback. Don't wallow in self-pity and take everything with a pinch of salt. Never look at failure as being unable to achieve something. Instead, see it as having done something the wrong way, and then altering the plan and working on it continuously till the ultimate goal is achieve. This requires a bit of self-confidence to overwrite all the negativity but since when have you been wrong about anything? If it's humanly possible, there'd be no one who'd be able to do it better than you.
Last but not least, we've all got to take a look at what we really want in life. Getting good grades, tonnes of money, a car or a new phone might make us happy, but at the end of the day, anything whose worth can be given a price in numerics will not be the the things that will bring the most joy. Think it over real hard, because a fully committed intention to make things happen suggests that you consider your efforts a worthwhile investment.
The year is still young. If you want to look back and be proud of what you've become, start now by looking forward and work on unleashing the potential that's inside.

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