It was a crazy week where I failed my SAF driving test for the 3rd time on Monday. It was really heart-wrenching to have to go through another 200 minutes of driving just to be eligible for the 4th test. I passed on Tuesday, the last person to have done so. Everyone was having their graduation debrief while I was twiddling my thumbs in the training shed and wondering what I should say to the major in charge of the camp if I failed the test, again. When I passed it that day, I was choked with emotion because of the work I really put in to passing it. It might not have been a big deal for some people, but the Saturdays I burnt and the offs I had to forgo and seeing everyone complete it ahead of me, and constantly feeling down and out really took its toll on me. It all paid of in the end and for that I'm grateful.
I had to book in on Wednesday after completing 150km of driving and that was insane. During the last 50 km, I was totally zoned out. When I reached back home, I wore this pair of jeans that I've always worn to camp. I bought it for Sec 4 prom. I was stunned when I could barely put it on! I took my weight the day before and I was heavier by 2 kg, and now I know where it went! Oh man, the bloody jeep course made me... FAT. Time to work those running shoes already. I had to buy khaki pants from Causeway Point as well. I considered getting a new pair of jeans, but held back because I was trying to save money.
Returning to camp was a rather weird experience. It was still my bunk and everything, but it felt different. There were the platoon 4 guys who joined us, and then there were people who took off... etc. I just don't know how to describe it. However, I think the chemistry in the new platoon is working out pretty well and I liked it! Had a bad sore throat these couple of days which resulted in me being a little reluctant to talk at times. And the ulcer. Boo. And did I mention that guard duty SUCKS?
Will talk about that more when I get back from my grandparents' house later!

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