I know I haven't been writing a lot over here, choosing to update the right side of this page more consistently, but it's pretty much what's going on my mind. It's the reason why I have 2 days off this week, and also why my colleagues start singing Ai Qing 36 Ji etc when they get within hearing distance.
Okay, I've finally got my first tuition offer. And I'm so glad that I managed to secure it over the weekend. It's a P6 student living in Yishun (fantastic because there's a swimming pool there, but because of the impending rain I won't be swimming today) and the pay's 15 bucks an hour. It's not fantastic but I guess I really need it. I suppose I could raise it if I manage to teach him next year, when he goes to Sec 1. I spent some time yesterday afternoon during my break to look through assessment books. Yeah, I'm such an old foggy that I can barely remember what's being taught at that level. I flipped through a bit and realised that I've come such a long way in my six years of education post-P6. I'm nervous and a little freaked out at my first assignment, but I've always liked teaching, so I'm guessing that it should be fun. I'm desperate for more though. I want to spend less days working at Sony. It's wearing me out.
Recently I've been addicted to Grey's Anatomy. And for the first time in a very long time, I slept at 240AM, due to the viewing of 5 consecutive episodes. It's crazy but I just couldn't stop myself. I watched another 2 this morning. It've never come across another serial that's as good as this one. I'm ready to throw everything else out the window just for more of this. It's good stuff.
I don't understand why it has to fucking rain when I'm planning to go for a swim. Seriously. The days that I spend at work, looking out the great glass panel to see that Orchard Road is being soaked by the sun's rays and the gentle swaying of leaves to the breeze is enough to make me feel like a dangerous, caged animal. Gosh.
Yes, I realise that there's no focus in this entry. You know on some days you have to rant and you don't make sense and you don't want to sound like you're preaching or pretent that what you've written is meaningful and thus having to wrap up your entry with "the moral of the story is..." .
This is one of them.

1 comment:
no ah, this entry got focus ah. you are SIAN with sony. take a break!
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