Sunday, April 19, 2009

Note to Self

Purchasing size 28 pants when one is size 29 makes one feel unnecessarily fat. Despite the well-known fact that what is fashionable is uncomfortable, one should be content with size 30, especially when said berms was going for twelve dollars. When it is already so cheap, one should not expect it to be a perfect fit. One would not have made such a mistake if said store was nice enough to allow a fitting but because it was on discount, trying it on was not allowed.

Drinking a Mocha Venti Frap with whipped cream worsens the situation. The pressure on my bladder makes me want to go to the toilet every 3 hours. It bulges in places that I really should be proud of but only makes me a want to cover it up at every chance I get. I will have to wear it with a shirt as long as the one I wore today. Or longer.

I hope very very hard that somehow it'll be stretched to fit me nicely when I wear it more often.

Else I should really go for a run.


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