Sunday, April 12, 2009

Now Hear Me?

Every blog has a voice. I value the magic of words more than the superficiality of great photos. I've come across more of the latter - great eye candy, wondrous places and exciting adventures. The former is more rare - an insight to a warm heart and an intriguing mind. I've been reading one of my favourite blogs of all time. I'm quite sad that it is not being updated any more. Reading that feels like curling up beside a cosy fireplace with a good friend, speaking to you, offering treasure beyond imagination.

I wonder what reading mine feels like. I used to rant a lot, till I realised that length is nothing compared to substance. Along the way I've tried to write better. And I think that there's some improvement. But it's been marred by the life I live. I think it's hard to look inside when there is nothing. I need inspiration and I need a life. And possibly lots of reading and a small dose of humour.

Am in need of new perspective and a life as humble, honest and true.


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