Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Working On It

Too many distractions, too little thought, too little time.

3 more classes. 1 more project. 1 more presentation. 3 more exams.

4 years of school, I'm finally graduating. No more whining, about silly things like why NTU is so far. It's just that so far, I can't decide whether I'm prepared for the working world, where it's more cut-throat and competitive. And I'm not competitive, sometimes maybe even a little stiff, when it comes down to work.

A friend commented that I'm very happy-go-lucky. Yes, that's exactly what I am, I realised. That I have the ben qian so I just do whatever makes me happy and that I don't take things seriously. I don't know what I want and time is running out because I can't say "I don't know" forever.

How accurate. This is my problem.

That and building castles in the sky. Putting in a lot of effort into creating a fairy tale. When it flops I have nothing to fall back on.

So maybe it's time to play a little less and work a little more.


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