Saturday, September 12, 2009

Him and Her

Dear him and her,

I know the MRT is very crowded during rush hour, so I'll excuse you two from standing so close to each other. But seriously, you'd think Rihanna was telling you to go "hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face." It's not a club! You don't have to hold each other so tightly that just watching you makes it difficult to breathe. But as I said, it was crowded, you're doing the public a good deed by saving space. So props to you guys on that.

But I can't forgive you guys for hurting my eyes. I told myself not to look but it's like the Miss Singapore World Ris Low's youtube video - it's so horrible you just have to watch it on repeat. (What a fucking waste of time!)

So I couldn't resist looking at the intense Public Display of Affection going on. If you guys looked good, it would have been like a scene straight out of Titanic. The one in the car even.

Erm however it looked like what a pre-sex scene from Shrek would look like.

So take my advice, there's no need to look around and wonder what's wrong and why people are staring at you. Just stop what you're doing and act normal, how any other commuter would. Listen to your ipod, play with your PSP, twiddle your thumbs. It's that simple.

Hope less strangers stare at you on your next train trip.

P/S Save on the Fred Perry, opt for plastic surgery.

Mr B


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