Thursday, September 10, 2009

One Way Or Another

You know, when I grow up I wanna be famous I wanna be in movies. When I grow up I wanna drive nice cars I wanna have groupies.

It's just a part that you can't "skip". At least not for most of us. We only start dwelling into the deeper meaning of life when we've acquired the material - a house, a car, credit cards or the superficial like fame. I have the knowlege that nothing is permanent, nothing is eternal. I coul have everything and it could all be gone tomorrow. But that doesn't stop me from buying that pair of Topman jeans nor getting up earlier to do my hair.

Maybe goals in life should be less about owning things - clothes, friends, life partners, money and more about gaining a sense of wordliness - knowing the people who matter and treat them special, nothing we can hold can last forever and coming to terms with death.

As much as I want to be that guy at the end, now, I think it'll take time and a lot of work to become that person and it's a journey, a series of steps that makes it interesting and worth going through.

I can only hope that with each passing day I am getting there and in my current pursuit of all the nonsensical stuff, I keep in mind what is truly important.


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