Friday, December 30, 2005

End of Year Special - Top 10 Moments

10. Getting rid of poisonous people

09. Watching Britney 's TV series, Chaotic.
And buying the DVD! Spent many a weekend waiting for its release in the USA before getting a chance to watch it early in the morning. Those were the days... The introduction of the song Chaotic reminds me of times of freedom, bookout, hilarity, lameness and gorgeousness of the one and only, Britney Spears.

08. Volleyball Interunit.
Didn't play, but was a part of it. That was enough for me! I got the opportunity to be in part of the team and to watch a lot of matches, which I didn't have the chance to do before. All this gave me better understanding of my favourite sport!

07. Harmonica SYF Silver.
I've said time and again that they were my pride and joy. They've given me respect and let me trust my instincts in teaching. They've put their faith in me, they've treated me warmly and called me back the beginning of this year. They've given me a chance to give back to the school, and a few more months of hanging out with them. They've treated me as a friend, and equal. They made me so darn proud, and found that whatever I've put in has reaped results. They've grown up, taken charge and matured to give their own interpretation of music.

I'm very proud, and will always remember my juniors, the 27th and last batch of NYJC Harmonica Orchestra.

06. Brunei Trip
I volunteered for it and have no regrets. It tested my strength, it gave me the chance to go overseas and most of all, I gained experience of another culture. In its own way, it taught me lifeskills that I would never forget. It showed me a vast natural environment, beautiful in itself and is stuck in my mind till this very day. It made tear down useless believes and limitations that I had of myself and broadened my perspective of the world outside my country.

05. POP loh!
Wooohoo! I can still remember that day, when I had a feeling I would never return to Tekong ever again. The final parade, and my parents' presence. BMT was such a memorable period in my life. It was fun in a weird way. It was comfortably cooling at night. The sunrise and sunset were remarkable. The sounds of aeroplanes flying past constantly and waves crashing toward the island when I was having guard duty added flavour to my life as a recruit. The sergents who made life hell and made BMT interesting for us. Whiskey Platoon 4... my sectionmates... all the people who came into my life for a short while, but made such a big impact. Respect.

04. Organising the class gathering at my place.
Initiative is not the only thing. I miss my class. A lot. It's very tough to get everyone together. There're times when I look back at the last day of school and I realised, yeah, it's probably the last time that we're obliged to be in the same room together. So much has happened since then, and we've all grown up in ways that we didn't expected. Anyway, I put a lot of thought into that gathering. Be it the cups as souveneirs and the card and the BBQ food, or the money, or the effort to organise and contact each and everyone of them; it turned out that it was worth it. It was worth it to see everyone's face again. It was worth knowing that everyone's doing fine. It was worth it knowing that we still cared about each other.

03. Running 21 km
Months of training leading up to the grand finale on the 11th of September. It was insane. I still remembered the times where we would all pray for rain when we were going to have a 7km run. After all that training, we don't even complain or give two hoots if we were going to run 10km. And after conquering 21km, anything and everything seemed possible. If army taught me one thing, it is the resistance, mind-over-matter, having the balls to challenge yourself and to push yourself to the limit. Yes. That is, but ONE major thing, which probably decides whether you'll make it to the gold at the end of the rainbow, or be the fool just wishing for it.

02. Blogging
It is crazy how much this blog means to me. It's my voice. It's got everything I ever wanted to express. I've learnt a lot from writing the blog. I've learnt what are the stuff people are interested to read, I've learnt photo editting, I've learnt how to collect information and most of all, it gives me a chance to write. I've always been given confidence of my writing be it from peers or teachers and to me, it's the ability that I wouldn't want to lose. It's probably that one thing that I would figure that I am best in. Not playing the piano, not singing, not knowing about Pop music, not running, not DDR, not Science. Just writing. So I do appreciate it if you leave a tag or two!

01. Knowing Sidney
It is difficult to find someone to connect to, in a world where everything happens so quickly. And it's even more difficult, because I'm such a closed person in more ways then one. And knowing Sidney by pure luck and then becoming friends and then brothers is the top moment of this year. We started off as acquaintances in Whiskey 4, only knowing that the other was a big Britney fan. Then slowly we chatted on MSN, and then SMS-ed. He's the guy who accompanied me when I was doing my first orderly duty. The one who'd wish me luck before a run, and understand that route march is horrible shit. He'd be there for me to grumble to or to cheer for. We have a lot in common. To us, the brightness of the sun in the sky on weekends is already a huge topic in itself. Tanning. Keeping fit. Gadgets. Music. Although we don't meet each other often, we're there to motivate each other to be the best that we can be. For that, I'm grateful.

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