Friday, June 05, 2009

Travel and Employment

There are only two parts I read when The Straits Times arrives at my home every morning, both from the Classified. They are Travel and Employment.

They go hand in hand, since I can't go overseas without the money. I'm faced with a rather tricky problem of not being able to take on office jobs that require commitment since I am taking on 6 sessions of tuition a week (to be increased to almost 20 when my cousins come back). I need something that I can do as they say, own time own target.

Travel is essential. It's exciting. It gives me something to look forward to. Planning it is exciting as well. But I think I need to move on from planning to actually footing the bill and confirming a trip. It's taking too long!

I cannot believe I didn't manage a place on the recommendation list for hall. Publications, Dance, FOC (08&09), DND (08&09). I'm like really sure that every one on the list contributed/ is contributing more than me. Pui. I'm not going to beg but I'm certainly not above leaving halfway. It'd make August a much easier month to get through.

I swear I don't believe that I can't get a place in a list of 90.

Melvin, Ness and Ros rock. We had dinner at Manhattan Fish Market. I've been offered an acting stint which will allow me to flex my laugh-at-me muscles. I bought 4 assessment books from Popular to make my P6 student's lives hell. I borrowed Tuesdays with Morrie from Ros when we stopped over her place and she fangirled over Lambert. We went over to Ness' place and explored the concept of "strange" and I borrowed The Sims 2 from her. Nessie says that she has a surprise for me after watching PCD in concert today.

Okay fine, there are some things in life that are worth feeling happy about.


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