Sunday, June 14, 2009

Throwing Out The Garbage

I threw out quite a lot of stuff yesterday while cleaning out my study room.


I found a lot of nonsense and I threw them out. Meaningless stuff that have been occupying space. Or stuff that used to be a huge part of my life but have since become obsolete.


And then there were the worksheets and notes from Secondary School and JC. Tonnes of them. They brought back memories. But the sheets of paper that brought back the most memories are things like...


The attendance list for lecture. I was the Econs rep in my first-three-months stint at AJC. Who'd knew I'd end up in NYJC and dropping Econs at the end of Year 1!


My doodling on the back cover of foolscap paper. Names of songs that I really liked then. Daniel Bedingfield's I Can't Read You... anybody remember that one?


This is the funniest shit. I should probably take a macro photo or scan it in at high resolution. I wrote the lyrics to Toxic and David gave his take on it. In Chinese. Fucking awesome.



weetzdom tooth said... the chinese title to toxic liow... very suitable to be launched in china hahaa

jason kyh said...

lol... can u see the rest of the lyrics? They are really roll on the floor funny. haha.. siigh the things we did back in school...