Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Bit Lost

It's just that sinking feeling that I can't describe, the kind where you're in a dark place and you just feel helpless. As hard as I try, I can't pinpoint what's causing it. It might be because I'm not busy, or for the first time I don't feel focused.

The new school semester has started and it's a pain to go through the entire cycle once more. I enjoy most of my lessons so I want to take those that I'm interested in so I won't regret. I don't want to end up with lousy grades. I don't want to end up having to SU a mod.

And somehow it's just so different having to go home at the end of the day. Kind of weird but I'm just going to have to tell myself that it's OK.

I think I just need some time to get back into the groove of everything. Going to school again is like being a stranger in your own home.

You've got that right. I hate this part right here.


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